The WHEY2LIFE project is being part funded by the LIFE Program.
The EU’s funding instrument for the Environment and Climate Action.
Project Participants
Coordinator and Partners
By co-located the bio-refinery with an existing anaerobic digestion facility and by using a second generation feedstock as it principal input, Whey2LIFE will realise greater resource efficiency by implementing this industrial symbiosis.
A circular economy company established to implement the biorefinery which will transform WP from a by-product into a valuable yeast product.
Based in Belgium, Lamber-Seghers is a leading independent animal feed company providing be-spoke feed formulas to meet specific customer needs. “Free sale” is the company’s goal associated with flexibility, transparency and professionalism.
Ormonde Organics is a leading Irish processor of organic wastes converting them into renewable energy and soil amendment products at its anaerobic digestion and composting facilities located in Ireland.
A leading university which offers research services and supports to the microbial bio-processing industry via its Applied Microbial Bioprocessing Research Centre.
Project Funding
European Union
Funding Duration
July 2019 to June 2022
The WHEY2LIFE project is being part funded by the LIFE Program, the EU’s funding instrument for the Environment and Climate Action.
LIFE programme
The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action created in 1992. The current funding period 2014-2020 has a budget of €3.4 billion.
LIFE programme
The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action created in 1992. The current funding period 2014-2020 has a budget of €3.4 billion.